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Safety News

  • Confined space sign

    Safety Talks – Confined Spaces Identification

    Identifying confined spaces within your facility can be a challenge, especially when you don’t know what signs to look for. Using the following points as reference will make confined space identification easier within your facility. A confined space will meet all of the following criteria: Have limited means of egress Manholes Removable Plates / Hatches […] READ MORE...

  • Hazcom

    Safety Talks – Hazard Communication

    Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) and The Employee Right to Know Act were developed and designed to ensure employers provide their employees with vital safety information for chemicals used in their workplace Hazard Communication initiatives help to reduce chemical-related occupational illnesses and injuries by providing specific information that identifies and evaluates hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Tools such […] READ MORE...

  • Ladder safety

    Safety Talks – Ladder Safety

    Ladders are one of the most important tools we use on the job which makes ladder safety a very important topic. Most incidents involving a ladder are preventable. Use the following points to remind your team of the importance of ladder safety. Choose the correct ladder for the job Non-Conductive Ladders: Avoid the use of […] READ MORE...

  • Ladder safety 101

    Ladder Safety 101

    Ladders are one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment in your facility. They account for almost 20% of fall injuries in the workplace, according to the CDC. OSHA has developed strict guidelines and regulations to help minimize the risk associated with the use of ladders. Ladder Safety 101 will help you and your team […] READ MORE...

  • Sms

    Obstacles to using SMS in the Workplace

    It’s widespread, instant, cheap and best of all, people are more likely to open one rather than email. Short Message Service, better known as text messaging, is a popular form of communication for over 80% of Americans. SMS has long been incorporated into the marketing strategies for businesses but can you successfully incorporate SMS in […] READ MORE...