What is HazCom Training and How Does It Work?
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Thousands upon thousands of chemical accidents happen in and out of the workplace each year. Are you thinking of taking on a high steaks career involving chemicals?

While a career working with hazardous materials can seem intriguing to people, it can also be quite dangerous because of all the chemicals you work with daily. As you continue your career in HazCom, you must receive the proper training to understand the specifics of doing your job.

If you’re still interested in taking on this career, you need to know what HazCom training is and how it works. Our guide will detail some of the most important HazCom and HazCom training requirements for everyone who wants to get their career off the right track.

What is Hazcom Training?

Hazcom training is when you’re taught how to label the hazardous materials you’ll work with day in and day out. You’ll also learn the proper procedures for handling this dangerous chemicals and the way to identify them while you’re working.

The term hazardous materials refer to many things, including:

  • Harmful materials
  • Chemicals
  • Waste

You must receive the proper training because when you work with materials and chemicals such as these, it poses a significant risk to your safety and the safety of those around you. Hazcom training will teach you how to avoid these risks and what you should do if you are in a dangerous position.

One of the things you’ll learn is how to label chemicals properly, which aids in future identification. And different techniques to ensure a safe workplace for everyone.

Components of Hazcom Training

The first component of HazCom training is learning to classify each chemical. During this phase, you’ll learn to take an in-depth inventory of all the materials in your possession and determine the level of risk the chemical poses. 

Your employer may find it helpful to create a list of the most common hazardous chemicals kept in the workplace for you to be on the lookout for and know how to classify. The next phase of HazCom training is learning to mark the chemicals accordingly.

You must meet a specific set of requirements as you mark each chemical. For example, you’re required to include the following:

  • Chemical name
  • Hazard class and statement
  • Instructions on how to care for the chemical

These are just a few markers that will need to be included on the container to ensure people know of the potential risks and understand how to handle the chemical with care. The last phase in HazCom training is how to create a comprehensive datasheet.

OSHA published a document with the information that should be included in all safety data sheets to meet the safety standards they’ve implemented.

Hazcom Training & Its Components

Hazcom training is about identifying hazardous materials and keeping people safe as they handle them. If you intend to have a career in this field, you’ll need to participate in this training before you’re cleared to work with these dangerous chemicals and materials.

Are you looking for a reputable company with an OSHA-backed Hazcom training program? Contact KHA Online SDS and let us help you get the training you need.